How do I adjust the preview of my video?

Jason Liu -

Users can select the element by simply clicking on it in the preview. After selecting the element, users can adjust the text, placement, size, and rotation directly in the preview or open the clip editor for more editing options by double-clicking on the selected element.

Please see more information about the interactive preview in this video:

Reposition the element

Click on the element and drag it to the desired location.



Resize and rotate the element

  1. After selecting the element by clicking on it, drag the white square on the corners or edges of the selecting box to resize the element.


  2. To rotate the element, drag the white dot on top of the selecting box.



Open the Clip Editor

Double click on the selected element to open the clip editor for more editing options. After completing the edit, click Done on the top right of the screen to close the clip editor.



Edit the Text Element

To edit the text element, double click the text element to open the clip editor on the left. Users can adjust the content and edit the font and font size for the text element. After completing the edit, Click Done on the top right of the screen to close the clip editor.


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