How do I manage my media?

WeVideo Support -

In this article:

You can find all your uploaded media (videos, audio files, and images) on the Uploads page.

Access and manage media on the Uploads page

On the top right of the window, you can perform the following actions to organize or locate your media files.

  1. Sort: Change how the page sorts your media. You can sort files by name, date created, size, or duration.
  2. List/Grid view: Switch between the list and grid view.
  3. File type dropdown: Select the file type you want to view.
  4. Search bar: Search files by their titles.
  5. Create Folder: Create new folders to organize your media files. This article provides more information about folders in the WeVideo Multimedia Creation space.
  6. Add Media: Upload media files or start recording new media to your account.


To manage the file, click the triple dots icon next to it and select one of the following actions:

  1. Open: Open the media player to preview the file.
  2. Download: Download the file.
  3. Rename: Change the uploaded file name.
  4. Move to: Move the file into the created folder. If you do not see any folder options when selecting this action, please create a new folder first.
  5. Delete: Remove the file from your account. Please note that the deleted files can not be recovered.


You can also bulk delete or move files by selecting multiple files with the checkbox or dragging on the screen. Once you select all the files you need, select Delete or Move on the top to delete or move them into the folder.


Share uploaded files with others

To upload and share files with other users in your license, select the Share with Everyone folder on the Uploads page and upload the files to it.

If you do not see the Share with Everyone folder or can not upload files to it, your admins might have disabled this feature. Please contact your school administrators to discuss if they can enable it. Please see this article for more information about role permissions.


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