How Can I Generate Interactions with AI in Interactivity?

Jason Liu -

In this article:

Teachers can utilize the AI tool in WeVideo Interactivity to auto-generate interactions based on the content of the videos in the Bulb. Teachers can control when to add the interactions and adjust their complexity based on Bloom’s taxonomy. The generated questions can also be edited afterward to meet the instruction needs best.

Add AI-generated interactions to the Bulb

Currently, WeVideo supports creating AI-generated interactions with Bulb built with YouTube videos or exports from your WeVideo account. When building the Bulb with AI-generated interactions, select YouTube or WeVideo as the video host. The video must have captions for the AI to generate questions. Please see this article for more information about auto-generating captions for your WeVideo exports.

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Find the video you want to use and click Done to import it into the Bulb.

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Click Add Video to add more video segments to the Bulb if needed.

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You can also select the Input URL option and paste the YouTube video’s link to import it into WeVideo Interactivity.

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Start playing the video until you reach the timestamp you want to create the interaction, then pause it. Switch to the Interactions tab at the top and click Generate Interactions.

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Select the option to generate the question on the selected timestamp or randomly generate the questions for the entire video. Then, choose the complexity and interaction type of the question. For the selected timestamp, only one complexity and interaction type can be selected, and multiple complexities and interaction types can be chosen for the entire video. There are six complexity levels based on the Bloom's Taxonomy:

  • Remember: The question focuses on the learner’s ability to recall facts and basic concepts.
  • Understand: The question that requires learners to explain ideas or concepts.
  • Apply: The question that asks learners to use the information they learned in new situations.
  • Analyze: Learners need to draw connections among the ideas and information.
  • Evaluate: Learners will be asked to justify their stand or decision.
  • Create: Learners have to produce new or original works based on what they learned from the Bulb.

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After completing the settings, click Generate Interaction.

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The AI-generated question has been added to the Bulb! It will be highlighted in purple to indicate that it is AI-generated.

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Edit AI-generated interactions in the Bulb

Click on the interaction you want to edit to enter the edit mode and adjust the context in the question or the answer options.

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Teachers can use the Complexity drop-down menu to choose a different complexity level or click the refresh button to regenerate a new question.

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Teachers can also change the interaction type with the interaction type drop-down menu. You may also need to adjust the answer options and correct the answer after changing the interaction type.

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(Optional) Switch to the Placement tab at the top to adjust the interaction’s placement from the sidebar to overlay the video.

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(Optional) Switch to the Timing tab at the top to adjust when the interaction should appear for learners.

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Click Done to save the change.

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After editing the AI-generated question, the purple highlight will disappear.

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