How do I use WeVideo as a Google Classroom add-on?

Zev -

1: Introducing WeVideo as a Google Classroom add-on

In Google Classroom, there is a feature called “Add-ons” that allows you to use edtech tools right inside of Google Classroom. 

WeVideo is available as an add-on, which means that teachers can provide WeVideo as a tool for students to create videos for their assignments. 


For students, they can easily access the WeVideo tool directly from their assignment in Google Classroom and begin creating.


2: Secure licenses for your school or district to use WeVideo

WeVideo requires paid licenses or a free trial for teachers and students to access the product. Please select one of the options below to start:

  • For teachers: Sign up for a 30-day teacher trial to use with up to 50 students, or purchase a Classroom plan here
  • For District Leaders: You can also sign up for a 30-day teacher trial or sign up for a longer-term pilot here. You can also purchase seats or contact sales here

Please note that each student will occupy a seat in your license, and students will not be able to join the class if there are not enough seats left in your license.

3: How to Install the WeVideo add-on from Google Workspace Marketplace

There are two ways for administrators to set up an add-on in Google Classroom: "Domain Install" and "Allowlist." You will need to select "Domain Install" in order for WeVideo to be used. 

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.
  2. Click Apps and then Google Workspace Marketplace apps and then Apps list.
  3. Click Add app to Admin Install list.
  4. Browse the available Classroom add-ons for WeVideo. 
  5. Click the WeVideo add-on to install for your domain.
  6. Click Install.

4: Using the WeVideo Add On in Google Classroom

How do I sign into WeVideo while using the add-on?

As a teacher or a student, when you are in Google Classroom and use the WeVideo add-on, it will prompt you to sign into your WeVideo account using Google Single Sign-on (SSO).


Can I get a license for the add-on if I don’t have one?

Yes, you have 3 ways to get a license. 1) Signing up for a trial or pilot 2) Purchasing a Classroom plan 3) Asking your school or district administrator if there is an existing WeVideo account that you can be added to.


As a teacher, how can I create a WeVideo activity in Google Classroom?

Once the add-on is installed, after creating an assignment in Google Classroom, you can click on “Add-ons” and see WeVideo in the drop down menu. 


It will prompt you to log in to WeVideo, if you haven’t already.


From there, you can add the details for the assignment you want your students to do in WeVideo.


As a teacher, how can I grade WeVideo activities made by my students?

In Google Classroom, you can click on each student’s assignment and either see in-progress WeVideo assignments, or turned-in assignments. With turned-in assignments, you will be able to watch your student’s finished video and use Google Classroom’s grading features to give them a grade and comments. 


As a teacher, my role in WeVideo is not correct. How can I update my role?

Sometimes your administrator may have you in your school or district’s account as a “student.” If this is the case, please email the administrator for WeVideo at your school and ask them to change your role to “teacher” in the Admin tab of WeVideo, in order to use WeVideo as an add-on. 


For Admins, learn more about how to manage member roles here


Can I use the WeVideo add-on on mobile devices?

Currently, WeVideo add-on is not available to use on a mobile device. Students will need to use a desktop device to create their videos, and teachers will need to use a desktop device to review and grade the videos. 


5: Learn more about what students see

For students, when they open up an assignment, they will see a link to WeVideo on the right of the assignment. 


Opening up the WeVideo assignment will then open up the WeVideo editor where they can begin creating. Check out this quick video on how to use the editor. 

If the student is not ready to submit the assignment, but wants to continue working on it, they could click on the back arrow on the top left, which saves their work in WeVideo. 


When the student is ready to turn in the assignment, they would click on the "Turn in" button on the top right, which submits all the add-on attachments, if there were other add-ons besides the WeVideo activity.

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