In this article: |
The groups feature is a convenient way to manage members of your organization and assess their progress. Teachers are able to create Collaborative and Shared Projects within a group to easily organize and track all of the content created by members of the group.
Create a group
Select Admin in the Home tab.
Select Groups in the Admin tab.
Click on the blue + icon.
*Note - "My groups" refers to any groups that you created in your organization. "All groups" refers to any groups created by Teachers and Admins in your organization.
Select the members you would like to add to the group and then click "CREATE".
Add members to a group
To add members to an existing group, select ADD MEMBERS TO GROUP and choose the method you would like to use.
Select Members
Using this method of adding members, you can select specific users or entire groups. Choose individual users under the Members tab or select a group in the My Groups or All Groups tabs to add all of the members of the selected group(s).
Registration Link
Your unique Registration Link can be provided to new and existing WeVideo users to both join your organization and group simultaneously. This method is used only for adding new members to your group that have not yet been added to your organization.
For more information on adding members to your organization, please refer to this article.
Invite Code
If a user is already in your organization, you can provide the Group Code to add them to your group.
The Group Code can also be found at the bottom left of the group.
To join your group, students can select JOIN GROUP on the Home tab and enter the Group Code in the pop-up window that appears.
Start a group project
To create a group project, select START A GROUP PROJECT and choose the Collaborative or Shared project type. Once you select the project type and fill out the project title and description, you will be prompted with the option to add media to that project.
Any projects created in a group will be shared with all members of that group. This can be especially helpful if you know that you'll be creating multiple projects with the same students.
All finished exports that are created in the group projects can be found in the Exports tab. This offers a convenient way to access all completed videos made by members of the group.
Add/change manager
A group manager can be assigned to manage the members and projects within a group. There can be more than 1 manager assigned to a group at a time.
To assign a group manager, select ADD/CHANGE MANAGER and click on the member(s) you would like to assign as manager(s). The gray highlight indicates that their account is currently a manager of the group. Select a member to assign/unassign them as the manager and click SAVE to update the changes.
Helpful notes
- Students will not be able to see the groups they are a member of. Groups are designed to only be used as an organizational tool for teachers.
- If a student is receiving an error indicating that the group code is not valid, please double-check that you are providing the Group Code and not the Invite Code.
- The Group Code is the code found at the bottom left of the group that you can use to invite existing members of your organization to the group.
- The Invite Code is the code found in the Admin --> Members --> ADD MEMBERS tab that is used to add existing free users to your organization.
- Users with the Teacher role do not have access to the Admin tab. Instead, they will see GROUPS at the top right of their Home Tab. When a Teacher selects GROUPS, they will navigate directly to the Groups tab in Step 3.
If you have any questions about the groups feature, please feel free to contact our support team at