Existing Templates
WeVideo templates expedite the creation process by offering a way for you to create a new edit without starting from scratch. Use any of the existing templates to drag and drop your own content to easily create a professional design.
Step 1) Select a template
From the Home tab
Select a template from the available library.
To browse through all of the templates available, select BROWSE ALL TEMPLATES to navigate to the Templates tab.
From the Templates tab
Select any template to create a new edit using that design.
*Note - You may notice that WeVideo for Schools plan accounts display the template categories in a different order than that of the Professional or Business plan accounts. This is intended to highlight the education template category, but you still have access to all of the same templates.
From a project
You can also create a new edit using a template by selecting From a template.
Step 2) Replace the template clips
Now that you've created a new edit utilizing a template, replace the clips on the timeline with your own. Simply select any media file, motion title, or transition from the Media Library and drag it over the relative clip on the timeline to release and replace!
The duration of the clip you add will automatically adjust to fit the template.
Create your own templates
You can create your own templates to reuse designs and stay consistent with your exports. Please note that the ability to create your own templates is available only to Business Plan and WeVideo for Schools Plan accounts with the Admin role.
Step 1) Go to the Templates tab
To create your own template, navigate to My templates in the Templates tab and select CREATE TEMPLATE. If you've already created a template, you can select Create new template at the top right of the page to another.
You can also convert any existing edit into a template by selecting the menu icon and clicking Convert to template.
When you convert an edit to a template, you will be prompted to choose between the Draft and Live status. Until you are ready to make the template accessible to all members of your organization, it's recommended to keep it as a Draft until it is finished.
Step 2) Add your clips
Once you create your template, add your clips as you would for any other edit. You'll notice that your template is in Draft mode. When you are ready to finish your template, select FINISH to continue.
Step 3) Finish your template
After you put your template together, select the thumbnail you would like to use, set a title, and assign the status to determine availability. A template with the Draft status is not available for anyone to use. To make a template available for all members to use anytime, set the status to Live and click FINISH.
Step 4) Modify your template
If you need to modify your template, right-click the thumbnail and select Modify template. This will open the edit and you'll be prompted to confirm its status change to Draft so that you can make any necessary changes before publishing it as a Live template again.
If a template still has the Draft status, that will be indicated as shown below.
If you select Template options, you can adjust the status and the audience for the template.
When the audience is Project members, the template will exist within the project its initial edit originated from. This typically applies to edits that were converted to templates.
When the audience is Global, the template is available for all members of your organization to access from any project.
Free templates
If you do not currently have a premium subscription, you can still use free templates that do not have the crown icon. Any template with the crown icon indicates it requires an upgrade to access.
Although premium templates can only be accessed after an upgrade, you can hover over the thumbnail to preview what the template looks like. Clicking on the premium template will prompt you to upgrade to the appropriate plan that provides access to this selection.