Yes! Keyboard shortcuts are available to quickly accomplish common tasks for many of the commands in the WeVideo editor.
The following list includes the keyboard shortcuts that are currently available:
- CTRL + s = save
- SHIFT + enter = play from the beginning
- space = play
- delete, backspace = deletes the selected clip from the Timeline
- CTRL + z/y = undo/redo your most recent action
- SHIFT + left = go to the previous clip
- SHIFT + right = go to the next clip
- left = go to the previous keyframe
- right = go to the next keyframe
- e = open clip editor
- s = split clip
- i = trim to inpoint
- o = trim to outpoint
- m = add marker
- up = go to outpoint of current clip
- down = goto inpoint of current clip
- When popups are open:
- esc = cancel
- enter = confirm